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Embroidery in chain stitch

Embroidery in chain stitch
Embroidery in chain stitch

Embroidery worked with gold thread in chain stitch. Detail of a veil. Late 18th - early 19th centuries
Embroidery worked with gold thread in chain stitch. Detail of a veil. Late 18th - early 19th centuries

Embroidery worked with wollen, silk and metal threads, tamboured and tightened on muslin. Detail of a valance. 1830s
Embroidery worked with wollen, silk and metal threads, tamboured and tightened on muslin. Detail of a valance. 1830s

Embroidery worked with cotton thread in chain stitch on tulle. Mantle. 1850s - 60s
Embroidery worked with cotton thread in chain stitch on tulle. Mantle. 1850s - 60s

Embroidery worked with cotton thread in chain stitch on tulle. Mantle. 1850s - 60s
Embroidery worked with cotton thread in chain stitch on tulle. Mantle. 1850s - 60s

Veil  with lerge scallops along the border. First half, 19th century. 99x108. RT-6144
Veil with lerge scallops along the border. First half, 19th century. 99x108. RT-6144

Detail of the a kerchief. Late 18th - early 19th centuries. 112x106. RT-6150
Detail of the a kerchief. Late 18th - early 19th centuries. 112x106. RT-6150

Detail of an icon-cloth. First third, 19th century. 84x66. RT-7890
Detail of an icon-cloth. First third, 19th century. 84x66. RT-7890

Handbag, stringed. Late 18th - earl 19th centuries. 21x15,6. RT-5205
Handbag, stringed. Late 18th - earl 19th centuries. 21x15,6. RT-5205

Wallet. First third, 19th century. 13,9x16,5. RT-5268
Wallet. First third, 19th century. 13,9x16,5. RT-5268

Towel. First half, 19th century. 265x54. RT-17721
Towel. First half, 19th century. 265x54. RT-17721

Detail of a gown. 1890s. RT-9404
Detail of a gown. 1890s. RT-9404

End of a towel. Mid-19th century. 39,5x85. RT-9029
End of a towel. Mid-19th century. 39,5x85. RT-9029

Decorative embroidery. Mid-19th century. 64x70. RT-10027
Decorative embroidery. Mid-19th century. 64x70. RT-10027

End of a towel with scallops along the border. 1840s. 32x43. RT-9108
End of a towel with scallops along the border. 1840s. 32x43. RT-9108

Detail of a kerchief. First half, 19th century. 112x108. RT-14654
Detail of a kerchief. First half, 19th century. 112x108. RT-14654

Valance with large scallops along the border. 1830s. 52x195. RT-9107
Valance with large scallops along the border. 1830s. 1830s. 52x195. RT-9107

End of a towel. Late 19th - early 20th centuries. 236x48. RT-17353
End of a towel. Late 19th - early 20th centuries. 236x48. RT-17353

End of a towel. 1854. 44x37. RT-17262
End of a towel. 1854. 44x37. RT-17262

Towel. Late 18th - early 19th centuries. 23x44. RT-14022
Towel. Late 18th - early 19th centuries. 23x44. RT-14022

Detail of a bedspread. Late 18th - early 19th centuries. RT-14683
Detail of a bedspread. Late 18th - early 19th centuries. RT-14683

Detail of a woman's shirt sleeve. Early 19th century. RT-17255
Detail of a woman's shirt sleeve. Early 19th century. RT-17255

Costume of a merchant: sarafan and shirt. First half, 19th century. RT-16877, 14973
Costume of a merchant: sarafan and shirt. First half, 19th century. RT-16877, 14973

Mantle for a woman's dress. 1860s.150x300. RT-8621
Mantle for a woman's dress. 1860s.150x300. RT-8621

Detail of the mantle
Detail of the mantle

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