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Embroidery worked in river pearls, spangles, mother-of-pearls, glass sockets, plates

Embroidery worked in river pearls, spangles, mother-of-pearls, glass sockets, plates
Embroidery worked in river pearls, spangles, mother-of-pearls, glass sockets, plates

Embroidery worked in river pearls, spangles, mother-of-pearls, glass sockets, plates with turquois and trimming on cord and foil. Headband. First half; 19th century
Embroidery worked in river pearls, spangles, mother-of-pearls, glass sockets, plates with turquois and trimming on cord and foil. Headband. First half; 19th century

Embroidery worked in fine beads on canvas. Purse. 1830s - 40s
Embroidery worked in fine beads on canvas. Purse. 1830s - 40s

Embroidery worked in mother-of-pearls, glass sockets and metal threads on red velvet. Kokoshnik (woman's headdress). 19th century
Embroidery worked in mother-of-pearls, glass sockets and metal threads on red velvet. Kokoshnik (woman's headdress). 19th century

Embroidery worked in fine beads on canves. Wallet. 1830s - 40s
Embroidery worked in fine beads on canves. Wallet. 1830s - 40s

Embroidery worked with cotton thread, bugles, beads and gilt thread on silk tulle. Detail of a dress. Early 20th century
Embroidery worked with cotton thread, bugles, beads and gilt thread on silk tulle. Detail of a dress. Early 20th century

Grown. 19th century. 11x49. RT-15221
Grown. 19th century. 11x49. RT-15221

Maiden's headdress. Second half, 18th century. 28x33. RT-10382
Maiden's headdress. Second half, 18th century. 28x33. RT-10382

Koruna (headdress). First half, 19ht century. 15,5x46. RT-10436
Koruna (headdress). First half, 19ht century. 15,5x46. RT-10436

Necklace. 18th century. 8,5x78. RT-11491
Necklace. 18th century. 8,5x78. RT-11491

Frame of the icon Demetrius of Rostov. Second half, 18th century. 54x41. RT-9164
Frame of the icon Demetrius of Rostov. Second half, 18th century. 54x41. RT-9164

Detail of the frame
Detail of the frame

Riza (metal mounting) of the icon The Virgin of Georgia. Late 18th - early 19th centuries. 74,5x54. RT-9162
Riza (metal mounting) of the icon The Virgin of Georgia. Late 18th - early 19th centuries. 74,5x54. RT-9162

Detail of the riza
Detail of the riza

Decorative embroidery. 1757. 84x105. RT-146768
Decorative embroidery. 1757. 84x105. RT-146768

Detail of the embroidery
Detail of the embroidery

Bell-pull. 1820s - 30s. 168x10. RT-8986
Bell-pull. 1820s - 30s. 168x10. RT-8986

Detail of the bell-pull
Detail of the bell-pull

Decorative embroidery. Second half, 18th century. 42x78. RT-14245
Decorative embroidery. Second half, 18th century. 42x78. RT-14245

Embroidery on a handbag. 1830s. 20,5x19. RT-4719
Embroidery on a handbag. 1830s. 20,5x19. RT-4719

Game-bag of green leather. First half, 19th century. 36x44. RT-18514a
Game-bag of green leather. First half, 19th century. 36x44. RT-18514a

Handbag in a bronze gilt mounting. 1830s. 20x14. RT-5066
Handbag in a bronze gilt mounting. 1830s. 20x14. RT-5066

Decorative embroidery. 1830. 30,8x41. RT-5023
Decorative embroidery. 1830. 30,8x41. RT-5023

Handbag in a bronze gilt mounting. 1840s - 50s. 18x15. RT-4803
Handbag in a bronze gilt mounting. 1840s - 50s. 18x15. RT-4803

Handbag of dark blue velvet. Late 19th - early 20th centuries. 30x25,5. RT-17829
Handbag of dark blue velvet. Late 19th - early 20th centuries. 30x25,5. RT-17829

Female dress. 1910s. RT-12886
Female dress. 1910s. RT-12886

Detail of the dress
Detail of the dress

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